Aujourd'hui on peut plier la boutique. Tu peux nous retourner que le but suprême d'un bon blog electro c'est de reussir à sacrer Crookers et Bloody Beetroots dans la même itw, on s'en fout !
Il y a six mois, (sors ton Kleenex, marque déposée) quand on a commencé cette modeste page, c'était altruistement pour les faire découvrir au mètre carré français qu'on avait sous notre autorité, parce que même si toi français tu ne connais pas encore Oh No Ono, chez eux, au Danemark, c'est pas le groupe le moins connu et le moins cool du pays.
Oh No Ono c'est un peu notre "La Boum" à nous. Leurs chansons ont été chantées très fort quand on a décroché notre première itw, mais aussi quand on a décroché la deuxième, la troisième, quand on a emballé notre première moustache, jetté le dernier accessoire léopard de notre dressing, avant notre premier set et on t'en passe...
La première fois qu'on l'a entendu c'était, parce qu'il faut être précis, un matin, par quelqu'un (qu'on remercie) qui préferait partager la vie d'une mangouste plutôt que de ne pas finir ses jours avec une grande danoise au cheveux blond (le mythe à tuer).
On s'est vexé puis on a écouté leur Album "Yes", en boucle, jusqu'à ce que les paroles soient intégrées sur nos lèvres. Puis même s'il ne nous apparaissait pas que les danoises avaient une aura plus spectaculaire que la nôtre, il s'est clairement averé que leur musique portait vers des nébuleuses qu'on ne connaissait pas ici.
A la grande époque du Paris Paris vous avez peut être déjà eu la chance de les voir, en attendant qu'ils reviennent en France il faudra se déplacer dans leur pays d'origine...
Oh No Ono c'est galactique. Ca n'a pas de qualification, c'est eux, point.
Nous avons également constaté qu'outre leur electro/pop/euphorisante, ils étaient aussi extrêment agréables et on remercie chaleureusement Kristoffer Rom, le fondateur et batteur du groupe pour avoir accepté de passer sur notre petit blog !
Et nous y sommes, trois ans après, notre rêve en poche et le premier extrait de leur nouvel album collé aux moustaches.
Avec "Internet Warrior", ils nous proposent un univers différent, nouveau design pour une mélodies plus sombre, mais toujours avec cette voix si particulière et des envolés qu'on vous met au défis de trouver ailleurs.
Rendez-vous sur leur Myspace en attendant la sortie de leur album "EGGS" ou sur Itunes Store pour rattraper votre retard.
Now, it's a big moment.
Today we can "close the shop". You can return us that the supreme purpose of a good electro blog is to manage to crown Crookers and Bloody Beetroots in the same itw, we don't care!
Six months ago, (take out your Kleenex, registered trademark) when we began this modest page, it was selflessly to make them discover to the french square meter that we had under our authority, because even if you, French, you don't know yet Oh No Ono, in Denmark, it is not the least known and the least cool group of the country.
Oh No Ono it's a little our " La Boum " (with Sophie Marceau) to us. Their songs were very hardly sung when we took down our first itw, but also when we took down the second, the third, when we kiss our first mustache, when we thrown away the last leopard's accesory of our dressing, before our first set and we can continue a long time like that...
The first time we heard them it was, because it is necessary to be precise, a morning, by somebody (that we thank) which prefered to share the life of a mongoose rather than not to finish his days with a tall, blond Danish girl (the myth to be killed) !
We were offended and then we listened to their Album " Yes ", in buckle, until the words are integrated on our lips. Then even if it did not seem to us that the Danish girls had a more spectacular glory/halo than ours, it clearly turned out that their music brought towards nebulas which we didn't know here.
In the great times of the "Paris Paris" you maybe already had the luck to see them, but until they return in France it will be necessary to move in their native country...
Oh No Ono it's galactic. That has no qualification, there is no point to describe something which just has to be heard !
We also noticed that besides their electro / pop / euphoriant, they were also extremely pleasant and thank warmly Kristoffer Rom, the founder and the drummer of the band to have agreed to pass on our young blog !
And here we are, three years later, our dream in pocket and the first extract of their new album stuck on the mustache.
With "Internet Warrior", they give us a different universe, a new design for a darker melody, but always with this voice, so particular, and melodies than we put you in challenges to find somewhere else.
Go on their Myspace, waiting for the release of their album "EGGS" or on Itunes Store to catch up your delay.
1- First why Oh No Ono thats really enigmatic ?
Yes, and that's one of the reasons we chose it! Really, it's just a word play that we like. We have nothing against Yoko Ono. She's made great art over the years and we met her about a year ago... She seemed very nice.
2- Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows ?
We haven't been performing for a while. Our next show is in Copenhagen, Denmark on May 14 and that will be exactly 1 year after our last show. We've been recording new songs for many songs (the next album is released in Denmark on April 20). But we've played lots of places, pretty much all over Europe. It's always a joy to play so no least-favorite venues.. Every venue, city or country is different and yet almost identical when you're touring.
I'd say that we particularly enjoyed playing in Rubaix in France. We played in a tiny cellar but we all agree that it was one of the best and most enjoyable concerts we've played so far.
3- How long have you all known each other ? How did you met ?
We've known each other for 6-7 years. Some of us went to music schools together. 3 of us started playing a bit together but nothing serious. We each moved a lot to other cities but after a couple of years we gendede up in the same city (Aalborg) and discovered that we shared the same musical ideals. From that point it's all been about Oh No Ono for us.
4-When did you form your band ? What inspired you to make music together ?
It was in 2003. Basically we we're bored with the majority of music releases so we wanted to make music that keeps surprising and challenging whoever listens. That's still a big issue for us when we write songs.
5- What do you envy to french poeple ?
Paris in general, your wine tradition, the sheer size of the country, Albert Camus & Brigitte Bardot.
6- What has been your biggest challenge as a band ?
There's always challenges, it's hard to put a finger on the biggest one. I'd say it has been recording and producing the new record and making it as perfect as we wanted to. Luckily and due to 18 months of around the clock-working hours we are convinced that we've succeeded.
7- How is it like to be in a band (girls, whisky, parties, endless nights or scrabble with mummy ?)
Haha, the seemingly always interesting rock 'n roll question.
Being in a band is great, troubling, beautiful, scary, joyful, challenging, embarrassing, easy, important, unimportant, tiring, ecstatic, other-worldly, surprising.. all at the same time.

Myspace Oh No Ono
Website Oh No Ono