Sorti de Brooklyn, MR. VEGA n'a pas l'intention de nous laisser dormir le week end et enchaîne des remix de qualité.
Vous avez pu entendre Ladyhawke - Back of the van (MR. VEGA rmx) sur le CMC vol.9 et on se relève pour Phoenix - 1901 dernier sorti sur son Myspace.
Bientôt un Ep pour ce très bon producteur qui peut d'ors et déjà nous compter parmi ses fidèles.
C'est carré, ça bouge, on en veut.
He had already announced the colour with his remix of Justice - Valentine, stayed in the top 20 most popular tracks in September 2008 on Hype Machine.
Coming from Brooklyn, MR. VEGA doesn't intend to let us sleep during the week end and keep up with high quality remixes.
You were already able to hear Ladyhawke - Back of the van (MR. VEGA rmx) on the CMC vol.9 and we get up again for Phoenix - 1901 rmx recently available on his Myspace.
Soon an Ep for this very good producer who can already consider us among his faithful fans.
It's loud, that moves, we want it.
1- Whats new ?
Whats been going on with me recently is I've been working a lot on my own stuff. I want to put out an album this summer its called "Close ya Hands, Now Pump ya Fists". I'm going to release it whether its on my own or with a indie i don't really have a preference at this point. I might put out an EP soon also like in late April just to preview the style im going for with the album. Also i have been working with another producer named Radio Krome starting to put together shows featuring us within the coming months. So be on the lookout for all of this on my page and blog.
2- You also got a blog. Do you think that, that kind of initiative could really help bands to get known ? Is it a compulsory figure ?
Honestly i don't know if it helps ! Recently I've been gaining more notice amongst fans and other artists through other blogs. So i think my blog is just me doing it to do it and talk shit and brag but ehh if someone is reading it, thanks for stopping by leave a comment? Please ?!
3- Your wife and son are pretty represented on your myspace. Is it a family business ?
Not yet ! My wife is what drives me to keep going, i value her opinions and thoughts. She's my biggest supporter and i love her for that. If she's happy, I'm happy and ill keep doing what i do. As far as my son he'll be born by the beginning of April so once he's out you know I'm going to start grooming him to take my place ! My wife plays my music loud near her stomach and he starts jumping around so I'm like fuck yeah!!
4- How do you produce your remixes? Is it on demand or a personal choice ?
Well when i first started i did it by personal choice. My first ever remix was Justice's Valentine and i was just messing around i didn't have any real idea of what i was doing. Now its moving more towards demand. I'm getting alot more requests for remixes but i still do a few here and there by choice cuz i love the song or being a fan of the artists' work.
5- Top 5
1. Phoenix - 1901 Mr Vega Remix - Cuz its my newest remix and i love it !
2. Depeche Mode - Wrong - I've always been a fan of them and this song just gives me a great feeling inside I'm looking forward to their new album.
3. Another Cynthia - Pushback - They're a indie band from Portland, the song is so strong and has a melodic feel to they found me on myspace and I'm trying to remix the song.
4. Franz Ferdinand - Turn it on - It makes me wanna do naughty things to my wife !
5. Big Pun - Dream Shatterer - I used to be a big hip hop head..I can put this on anytime of the day and get hyped
6- What can make you wear a glody legging ?
If my wife had a fetish for it then hey it is what it is i'd wear it !
Justice - Valentine (MR. VEGA rmx)
Ladyhawke - Back of the van (MR. VEGA rmx)
Phoenix - 1901 (MR. VEGA rmx)
AvianX - My life (MR. VEGA rmx)