Notre conseil pour cette nouvelle année: cours à l'ambassade danoise la plus proche , demande l'asile politique, un visa permanent ou assimilé car crois moi après l'écoute de cet énième excellent artiste danois tu vas vouloir déménager illico meme si ça implique manger du hareng fumé au petit déjeuner.
Notre nouvelle trouvaille electronique s'appelle B.A.B.Y : une electro clean et des voix perchées aux accents 80's.
Vas-y fais tes valises.
Our advice for this new year: run to the closest Danish embassy, ask for the political asylum, the permanent or assimilated visa because believe us, after listening to this excellent danish artist you are going to want to move straightaway even if that implies to eat smoked herring for breakfast.
Our new electronic chouchou is called B.A.B.Y: an electro squeaky clean and voice perched in the accents of the 80's.
Go pack your suitcase.
1- Hey B.A.B.Y since when are you djing and composing, what pushed you into that wolrd ?
Well, I started composin music in 1999, back then I was making Big
Beat and Drum and Base sounding music, heavily influenced by artists
like The Prodigy and Chemical Brothers. But I startet the B.A.B.Y
project for about a year ago, wanting to do something new, and beeing
inspired of the rebirth of qality electronic music. I have always had
a big compasion for electronic music, and as i grew up I think it just
came naturally for me to get involved with the club scene.
2- Whats the part of your job you like the most ?
Playing my own material and seeing the crowd go offfff.
3- What can we wish you by now ?
Wish to me come play in France sooon !
4-Any great project running ?
At the moment I'm just doing a couple of remixes and co-producing an
album with an artist called Heidrik. Apart from that, I'm just hittin
it off with playing around and producing my own tracks.
5- Last time you've been drunk ?
Haha last friday to saturday, long night.. was out listening to an
awesome guy called Alexander Robotnick, he playd oldsckool acid house,
it was great! After that I went to this afterparty where we partyed
untill sometime the next day, it was great !
Here We Go Stereo - B.A.B.Y RaveTRONIK rmx
Myspace B.A.B.Y