Bronwin et Austin sont l'écho canadien parfait des français de chez Valérie.
La voix est d'une clarté et d'une douceur à vous faire revenir le soleil avant l'été et le son est façonné electro pop avec une patte de disco. Tu danses ?
Un duo qui se connait depuis longtemps pour des mélodies sans faille, pourvu qu'ils restent ensemble encore longtemps.
A écouter aussi bien le matin au réveil que le vendredi soir glissant en patins à roulettes sur un sol aux carrés fluorescents.
On avait déjà craqué pour "Faces" dans le CMC vol.4 puis pour "Lying Still" dans le CMC vol.8, on replonge pour "She never came back".
Ils seront en France courant avril, les dates et les lieux ne sont pas encore révélés mais ce qui est sûr c'est qu'on y sera.
Bronwin and Austin are the Canadian perfect echo of the French from the team Valérie.
The voice is bright and a sweet which can make the sunreturn before summer and the sound is shaped like a great electro pop with a tear of disco. You dance?
A duet which has known each other for a long time for melodies without defect, we wish they stay together for a long time.
Listen to it in the morning to wake up and on friday evening sliding in ice skates on a fluorescent skatering.
We had already fallen for "Faces" in the CMC vol.4 then for "Lying Still" in the CMC vol.8, we dive back for " She never came back ".
They will be in France in the course of April, dates and locationss are not revealed yet but it is sure is that we will be there.
1- You're such a talented band, you've got the audience, your hits, all that we miss is an album...
Thanks, well we definitely have an audience that's into the songs right now, but we've really only been in existence as a group since summer, so the larger part of what will grow to be our audience hasn't heard of us yet! Once they have, we'll be able to have hits, and we'll be ready to put out an album. Most of what everyone's heard of us so far, stems from the first four songs we ever did as a group, so we still have a lot more in store!
2- You've worked with the Valerie team, what did it bring to you ?
On a creative level, it's inspiring to be part of a team who understand and appreciate music the way we do. When Austin first discovered Valerie, it was like he found his long lost brother halfway across the world! Then once we started Electric Youth, Raphael (from Minitel Rose) was first to reach out to us, then he introduced us to College and that's how it came to be. On a music level, Minitel Rose remixed 'Replay', and we're on College's album, The Outrunners just remixed that song, and much more will be coming in the future!
3- You've known each other for a very long time now. Never had the ambition to do something alone, more personal ? Have you always have felt the same way about your music ?
3- You've known each other for a very long time now. Never had the ambition to do something alone, more personal ? Have you always have felt the same way about your music ?
For sure, we'd do that if the right situation comes along. Behind the scenes, Austin's always producing and writing for other acts. We've always felt the same about music, but it was about timing, last year is when we started to feel the time is right for something like Electric Youth.
4- How do you write the lyrics ?
4- How do you write the lyrics ?
It varies, Bronwyn writes most of the lyrics but it varies. Like for example when we wrote 'She Never Came Back' for College's album, we wrote it on Lakeshore Blvd, the waterfront in the west part of Toronto. Other times it's different, like the lyrics for 'Replay' were inspired by how when Austin is into a song he plays it non-stop.
5- Are you planning a tour in Europe ? Where can we find Electric Youth in the mean time ?
5- Are you planning a tour in Europe ? Where can we find Electric Youth in the mean time ?
We're planning a live/dj set tour in Europe for in the coming months, in the meantime maybe find us in Canada or US (depending on how soon we can sort visas out !).
6- What's best in Toronto ?
6- What's best in Toronto ?
Food, our favorite is still Chung King (not Peter's Chung King !) in Chinatown, that closed down and moved to a nearby town called Markham and we love it enough to go there now. Shop, the vintage stores in Kensington are alw
ays good. Club, we're not the best to ask since not to many places are consistent, we usually only go out if we know the dj or group is someone who plays what we like. Street, we're not really a part of any particular scene out here so we couldn't say, a lot of people love queen west, we love the beach. Park, we love Kew Gardens, but not right now, it's freezing here !
Myspace Electric Youth
Face - Electric Youth
Lying Still - Electric Youth

Myspace Electric Youth
Face - Electric Youth
Lying Still - Electric Youth