D'abord, les Nuits Sonores lyonnaises, programmation un peu maigre à mon goût. Nous avons néanmoins trouvé quelques spots intéressants (très intéressants) dont la Tsugi Party avec les fous (le fou) de chez Flairs et Jean Nipon (techniquement fou aussi) mèche gominée de rigueur et polo laurier boutonné jusqu'au col. Bref.
Je l'ai donc vu pour la première fois à la piscine ouverte sur les berges du Rhône, construction massive en béton, grosse chaleur, grosses bières dans gobelet en plastique transparent 5Ocl parfaitement homologué (ma science du détail). On était venu pour Erol Alkan dont nous avions déjà approuvé les talents à maintes reprises. Première partie Mowgli, dacodac.
C'était un peu trop minimale pour mes oreilles. Nous avons rapidement quitté l'endroit sans haine ni passion.
Le seul truc de vraiment cool restait l'endroit, les lumières sur le Rhône et un bar très très bien géré (pour casser l'ambiance poète).
Deuxième étape, le chemin est long. Jokers of the Scene au Social Club le 19 juin très précisément, Mowgli faisait parti du line-up.
Et bien c'était chouette et ça paraissait étrangement moins minimal et plus accessible.
Dernière étape, ultime pas vers la lumière.
Ca s'est passé à une heure indue où les enfants doivent être couché et les appareils de Friend Attack Paris RANGES, l'ivresse aidant je me suis laissé enveloppé, le point frappant l'air sur Butch - Mushroom man, nous nous étions enfin compris.
Ca tient décidément à peu de chose. L'album Nu Skool est sorti il y a peu de temps sur Deadfish, je vous conseil vivement de l'acheter sur Beatport, ou au moins de l'écouter quelque part.
Mr Teki had already told me about him in his itw (here), but honestly, I hadn't dug the question. Big mistake, it was just necessary to tame him. Here is how to make grow the mystic of Mowgli in three stages :
At first, the Nuits Sonores of Lyon, a little bit thin line-up, in my opinion. Nevertheless we found some interesting spotlights (very interesting) of which the Tsugi Party with the madmen ( the madman) from Flairs and Jean Nipon (technically crazy too) hair creamed obligatorily and laurel polo buttoned up to the collar. Anyway.
Thus I saw him for the first time in the opened swimming pool of Lyon, on the banks of the Rhône, a massive construction in concrete, it was pretty hot, big beers in transparent plastic cup 5Ocl perfectly approved (my science of the detail). We came for Erol Alkan whose talents had already been approved several times. First part Mowgli, okay !
It was too minimal for my ears. We quickly left the place without hate nor passion.
The only really cool thing was the place, the lights on the Rhône and a very very well managed bar (to break a little the poet's atmosphere).
Second stage, the road is long. Jokers of the Scene at Social Club on June 19th exactly, Mowgli was there.
Surprisingly it was great and that seemed strangely less minimal and more accessible.
Last stage, ultimate step towards the light.
That took place at an ungodly hour when the children have to be in bed and the camera of Friend Attack Paris OFF, drunkenness helping I was wrapped by his music, the arms up in the air on Butch - Mushroom man, we had finally understood each other.
The Nu Skool album is out since the end of September on Deadfish, my advice is to buy it, and if you can afford it on Beatport, just listen to it on his myspace or somewhere else.
1- So how are you by now ? Stressed by the new release or quite confident about it ?
I'm very well ! I'm never stressed about a release, if I'm releasin' it it means I'm quite happy about it.
Also it's having great feedbacks and support from Annie Mac and Pete Tong on Radio 1, so I'm quite confident.
2- Expecting the next summer time maybe ?
My summer time usually starts when here is winter because I usually tour on the other side of the world, I just got back from Brasil, and I'm goin to South Africa in december and Australia in January...I love my job !
3- Before talking of escape, where and when is your next gig ?
My next gig is my label party ( DeadFish ), we are starting this regular thing , one thursday a month in this tiny super cool club in east London called Public Life, it's an ex-public toilet !
Hope is gonna be good.
4- Now that the production of your ep is done, what is your next project ?
I'm writing some more pop stuff at the moment, I wanted to get to the next level with my production, I always found writing proper song very fascinating and difficult at the same time,
but I'm quite happy of the result, I have already signed a single to DATA Records ( MOS ), it's a vocal version of a track I released an year ago on DF ( PaPoPon ), the vocals are by Tara McDonald and I also recorded horns, guitars, piano on it...It's something new for me and I'm really enjoyng it.
5- Top five addiction
Mmhh....My addictions 2nd. Vodka 3rd. Watchin' sport on Sky 4th. The TV series Entourage 5th. Cooking. You guess which is the first one !
6- Your favorite place ?
Brasil ! anywhere in Brasil !