mercredi 16 septembre 2009

Just a Band itw - The after summer quizz

Français, doués et relayés dans la presse spécialisée comme Tsugi, Traxx ou Clark, Stella et Tom Deluxx ont fait de leur duo un incontournable.
Ils ont quitté depuis deux ans maintenant les murs formateurs de Bordeaux pour s'échapper un peu partout dans les salles sombres d' Europe.
Après une première sortie en janvier 2008 avec WE ARE, ils reviennent quelques mois après avec le très remarqué BURN IT OUT (oct 2008) qui leur a valu de nouvelles collaborations, un paquet de remixes et une renommée grandissante. Puis c'est en mai dernier avec TO HELL WITH GRAVITY qu'ils ont fini de nous achever avec un teaser alléchant promettant du lourd, du très très lourd...
Pari tenu puisqu'avec trois titres ils laissent un ep. sans faille avec une identité nette et un sacré sens du rythme.
Fidèles à Homework rec. depuis leur début, je leur souhaite de tenir encore longtemps, la place qu'ils se sont brillamment creusé.

A ne pas louper, l'ep. de Tom Deluxx seul, Reactivate, sorti le 17 août sur Boxon rec. et en exclusivité sur Beatport.


French, brilliant and relieved in the music press like Tsugi, Traxx or Clark, Stella and Tom Deluxx made of their duet an inescapable.
There are two years now that they escape from the formative walls of Bordeaux to go almost everywhere in Europe dark club's.
After a first release out in January 2008, WE ARE, they came back a few months later, with the very noticed BURN IT OUT in the hands (Oct on 2008) who worth them new collaborations, a bunch of remixes and a growing fame. And to finish, they released in may 2009 , TO HELL WITH GRAVITY a super cool opus with a tempting teaser promising heavy, very heavy sounds...
Held bet because with three titles, they leave a defectless ep with a clear identity and a sacred sense of rhythm.
Faithful to Homework rec. since their beginning, I wish them to hold for a long time, the niche whom they splendidly dug.

Also, don't forget the Tom Deluxx ep., Reactivate (august 17th) on Boxon Rec. et exclusively on Beatport.

1- The best moment of last year ?

At Dance Valley, playing in front of 20 000 people at broad daylight !
This festival is completely crazy, it's like the Disneyland of dance music...
But I think that the best moment for Tom was his virile massage session at Istanbul !

2- What are you preparing for the forthcoming year ?
We are actualy working on the next ep, wich will be out before the end of this year.
We can not say anymore cause we just begin to work on it...

3- What are you expecting ?
We are in contact with some other label, and we plane to go to Australia at the end of this year for a tour.

4- Next departure for ?
In the South of Spain, to take holidays and make nothing, especially not music !

5- Next remix for ?
We are working on a remix for Sold Out, a Belgian band that we have met at the Genk Festival.
We had really liked their performance, and we had a brief exchange with them by getting on stage. And one month later they contacted us for a remix.

6- Your last purchase ?
A Juno 106.
Ableton 8.
the last Air Jordan.
Churros on the beach yesterday.
The last Tom Deluxx ep.

Pfunkt - Annalog (Just a Band rmx)
Cicada - Falling rockets (Just a Band rmx)
Just a Band - In Anima Vili