Je suis aussi heureuse que pour
Russ Chimes. Même s'il ne se l'avoue pas, ce mec est un maître.
Un maître qui a réussi à faire du gigantesque
Harder Better Faster Stronger une perfection cosy, qui garde son univers album après album et remix après remix.
Bientôt un Ep. pour
Bestrack avec trois originaux et cinq remixes (dont
Louis La Roche et Justin Faust lui-même) sur
Bouchemiture, son nouveau jouet/label.
Encore une étape gracieusement passée par un artiste capable d'assumer deux fonctions avec talent.
The Revenge Ep est également très bien fait. Chaque chanson est comme une ballade en vieille décapotable blanche (intérieur cuir ok ?) à la tombée de la nuit et de préférence sous de gros palmiers.
Mais qu'est-ce que je peux dire ?
Justin Faust is so fucking good at music.//
I'm as happy as I was for
Russ Chimes. Even if he doesn't say so, this man is a master.
A master who turns the big
Harder Better Faster Stronger in a genius cosy song, who keeps his universe release after release, remix after remix.
Coming soon the
Bestrack Ep. with three original tracks and five remixes (
Louis La Roche, Justin Faust himself etc...) on
Bouchemiture, Justin Faust new label. Another step gently took by an artist who can assume two functions with talent.
The Revenge Ep is really well done and produce. Every song is like a ride in an white vintage convertible car at the sunset, preferably under big palm trees. And
Capri Spinoff just breaks my heart.
What can I say ?
Justin Faust is so fucking good at music !1- What do you eat every morning to be that good ?Can you eat coffee? If so, I eat coffee.
2- You've started in 92, what's the biggest change in the electro industry ?Definitely the Internet. The evolution of mp3, filesharing, blogs and social networks has totally changed the way music is distributed and perceived.
Also, the tools for making music are so much cheaper and easier to learn, with the sideeffect, that more and more people start to make music nowadays. Which is not a bad thing at all, it can be very inspiring to hear what producers with no or little musical background are creating.
3- How do you choose songs to remix ?Most of the time I get requests for remixes and then it depends, wether I can imagine to do something new with it or not. Every remix is a new challenge, because I always try to create something original.
I think a good remixer should be able to remix any song and make it good and new !
4- And what is the worst reason you gave to refuse to remix a track ?I can't tell you, because some people would be really pissed off, haha.
5- I've know you by your Harder Better Faster Stronger (Daft Punk) remix. It was genius ! How did you work on it ?Thank you! This is a track I always loved so much and it was quite a challenge to not fuck it up. When I had the vocals I tried to find a new harmonic approach to the melody and I came up with the chords.
From there on it went pretty fast, I think I had it done in two days.
It's been over a year now and people still love that mix, so I'm really happy with the reactions.
6- You're always compared with Fred Falke, Alan Braxe, Lifelike, Chimes and even the Daft Punk kings. First, does it bored you ? And then, what is, in your opinion, da Justin Faust special touch ?How can you be bored when you are compared to the masters? I always loved those guys, although there are so many other influences for me, from Jazz to HipHop and Jungle and whatnot. So, I do not think about a special "touch" or "style" when I make music, I just do my thing and bring it on...
7- You've created your own label, Bouchemiture (what a name !) why ? It was always my dream to have my own little label, but I was worried, because for physical releases you needed money and it was really hard to get a distributor. Now, through digital distribution, it has become much easier. The label gives me the opportunity to work with so many great artists and it's so much fun to get the good music out there.
And although the label is digital only, I'm trying to have the same quality approach to the releases, concerning sound, A&R, artwork...
It's more about quality than quantity, really.
8- So your next ep. is on Bouchemiture with Bestrack. Are you quite confident about the release ? Did you meet difficulties in the production ?I'm superhappy with this release, and the people and blogs seem to love it so far. It came together really easy,
Bestrack is one hell of a producer and I convinced him to do some orginals. I expected some good stuff from him, knowing his remixes, but what he sent me was amazing and just perfect for the label. And when I got
Louis La Roche on board for a remix, I knew this release is gonna be a killer.
9- An artist you particularly follow those times ?Oh, I 'm being sent so much music from all over and as I'm also DJing on my gigs, I'm constantly scanning the blogs for new stuff. My favorite producers at the moment are, apart from
Russ Chimes and many others. And I also dig folks like
Wolfgang Gartner or
Siriusmo... so much good stuff out there right now ! I could go on forever...
10- What's best in Munich ?Munich has a special flair to it that is hard to describe. It's not as big as Berlin or Paris but at the same it's not a village either.
People are pretty relaxed and confident about themselves here, which can appear arrogant sometimes, but in reality it's just a way of saying:
"live and let die". And let's not forget about the
Heads We Dance - Model 21 (Justin Faust rmx)Justin Faust - Revenge Ep. on BeatportSUPER FAUSTASTICO BANCOJustin Faust - Surfer Mystique