C'est la grande perfection des soirs d'été (très branché références soleil en ce moment), mais aussi des après-midi, des matins, des goûters, des apéros...
Sortez la bouteille de Martini/Lillet, mettez-vous au bord de la piscine.
Electro pop mignonne très bien travaillée et voix agréables.
Tout le monde se tait.
We are in love with Pacific!
It's the big summer perfection of the evenings, but also the afternoons, the mornings, the snacks...
Bring out the bottle of Martini / Lillet, put yourselves at the edge of the swimming pool.
Cute electro pop very well worked and pleasant voices.
Everybody shut up, that's Pacific time.
1- Your working on your next album, what are your orientations ?
The last album was bathing in sunlight. The new album is more nocturnal. I don´t want to reveal too much really. There is some slightly darker psychedelic textures. Personally, I have revisited White Noise´s album An Electric Storm, Ravel´s Daphne et Chloe as well as tons of electronic stuff.
2- What's an usual day in studio with Pacific ? (one shot by song, long long hours on a track, beers, pizzas, tea...)
Normally, it´s one of us or the other who lays down the foundation to the track and then we spend many hours together bringing it to life. Spending a lot of time building the arrangements is something we enjoy a lot. It´s a bit like working on a sonic sculpture, hacking or chiseling away until we´re satisfied. Martini Bianco was our vice while recording the last album. And Metaxa. For the new album, we´ve stuck to coffee. Maybe we´ll bring out the Metaxa for the mixing.
3- With who, would you like to work ?
Again, I can´t reveal too much I´m afraid, but we have some very nice collaborations on this album.
4- Next gig ?
We are not taking any gigs at the moment really and give our undivided attention to the next album.
5- Tell us about your last holiday.
I haven´t had a proper holiday for quite a while, but Bjorn is a sucker for skiing so he´s been off to the Alps a few times.
Pacific! - Hot Lips (S.P.A rmx)
Myspace Pacific!