Le secret en somme, c'est d'être Danois. Après musicalement, tu t'en sors forcément. Ici on vous rince les moustaches avec quatre fringants jeunes hommes (tous barbus , sauf un mais on l'absoud), ayant tous déjà fait leurs armes dans un groupe avant de se challenger pour Must Go Radio.
Une pop arrangée, des voix racées. Ecoutez "All you need" et vous sourirez sans le vouloir. Ecoutez toutes les autres et ça continuera une semaine entière.
The secret is to be Danish. After definitely have all in your hands to make good music.
Now it is the turn of four dashing young men (all wearing beards except one but we absolve him) that have already been involved in a previous band before founding Must Go Radio.
A clean pop and distinguished voices. Listen to "All you need" and smile involuntarily. Listen to the other ones and it will go on for a week.
Why dash on a new project while you already belonged to a group? It is the history(story) of a meeting?
We all come from very different musical projects and backgrouds, Aske and Ramsus use to play hardpumping 8 bit house club in a band, Jesper act in a balkan-elektronica band and Anders use to play in a lo-fi glamrock band. We all met randomly, made some music, and got 6 gigs within the following month.
We have now existed for 3 month and are working on material for an Ep release on "Rust Music", Xmas present ; ssshhhhhhh. We expect to release our debut album during the spring.. Must Go Radio is the unique music amalgamation, an ambitious playground with a clear direction, storming forward to the sweet playful people.
What do you prepare? Can we expect novelties in the next few weeks?
We continuously compose new material, We will play live at different clubs, release and Ep, and we are in contact with different majors about new deals!!
So I guess you can expect your novelties....
When we listen to attentively your songs, we notice that it is a fine compilation of many elements (electronic sounds, rock bass, pop rythms, chorus, main voice(vote) etc.) Where do you get that luxurious inspiration?
Doing something, nature, alchohol, food, glam, youth, you & me, clubs, girls, some drugs, travels, old things, NOT your smart clothes and the rest of your funky superficialities!
And then we just love to play around with it....The music and you!
A group you appreciate ?
A group you appreciate ?
Can't choose !! Not because there is too many or too few! Just Can't.. We have our favorites though, and they have a fucking nice sound!!! Keep it universal, mean it, do it and you can play whatever you want.
All you need ?
Music and Sex....And free money for all, if we absolutely have do deal with them.
Myspace Must Go Radio
All you need ?
Music and Sex....And free money for all, if we absolutely have do deal with them.
Myspace Must Go Radio