Il y a deux bonnes raisons d'aller trainer ses baskets à Buenos Aires : apprivoiser le tango, voir Polen.
Ces cinq argentins de nationalité, mais d'horizons différents, ont décidé d'adapter leurs accords rock aux rythmes électro. Pari gagné.
Début plus que prometteur. Du lourd, du très lourd et un avenir qu'on leur souhaite en tournée !
There are two good reasons to go to Buenos Aires: learn tango , see Polen.
Those five Argentinians from different horizons have decided to adapt their rock chords to the electro rhythms.
A gamble that pays off for them! A very promising start, heavy sounds and a future on a european tour we hope !
How are you Polen ? How is going life in Buenos Aires ? Any good parties ?
Life in Buenos Aires is quite similar to any other capital of any other country of this big balloon. Noisy, stressful, smoggy and lot of people everywhere.
However, there are lot of places where you can feel real good and share those moments with friends and people you get to know daily.
Argentine people are very effusive and passionate about new and different cultures.
We’re a sort of mix ( Spanish, Italian, German, Jewish and many more…) It’s like a lot of races in a same packing and that makes a huge diversity at the moment of express ourselves.
Argentine audience is mainly Rocker by nature ( that’s why electronic music is like a little sister inside this big movement ) Nevertheless, electro music has been getting bigger and bigger since 2004. Electro parties are more often now and you can find them in clubs, houses, offices and churches! The last ones are very underground and extremely funny!
How did you go from rock music to electro sound ? Was it natural ?
In the early days of POLEN we used to have a little affaire with electronic music but we never took it that seriously.
The Big Bang in our heads came in 2006 at a Daft Punk show. Then a lot of artists like Does it offend you yeah? , Justice, Soulwax and many more kept on pushing us to concentrate on this big challenge that became our present music.
Nevertheless, our change was very natural. Suddenly, we became infected with electro!!!
Nowadays we‘re very pleased with our present and the result of this metamorphosis, growing day after day with this genre.
We truly believe that music is an universal language and that’s why it can be mixed in a lot of different ways, giving the audience and us such pleasant times.
Any gigs in Europe next year ?
We’d love that to happen!
We know we are a bit far away and it depends on a lot of things but we also know that it’s not impossible. We surely need some agent/ friend / manager or any other wacky person over there to program an European tour. Maybe June 2009 is a good time to land over Europe, don’t you think?
What's your futur ?
Our first and shortest deadline is putting up our new live show to begin our Never Ending Tour all around the world.
At the same time we’re working on new tracks that surely would be part of the next and 2 nd. Polen EP.
What's your favorite french band ?
Without a doubt, our hearts belong to “AIR” but we also like Serge Gainsbourg, Daft Punk, Justice, Sebastian and CITROEN !
Myspace Polen
Alto Valle - Polen
Triste - Polen
MedusaX - Polen